Calculate your solution

As a cloud solution, you pay for exactly what you use. Put together your optimal solution and calculate the one-time and ongoing costs for the desired functions.

Assemble package

Overview of costs

If you have 200 employees or more, sales will be happy to make you a suitable offer.

Additional options

Yearly costs Monthly costs for all employees
Total per year Total per month

Base package Base package and options
One time costs Additional costs
Total one-off costs

Set-up costs

Detail offer package

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Our base packages time recording

<= 50 employees
Per employee per year

CHF 39.00
<= 100 employees
Per employee per year

CHF 35.00
<= 200 employees
Per employee per year

CHF 31.00
Options and their costs per employee and year
Mobile App (Android / IOS)
+ CHF 3.00
Duty and shift planning
+ CHF 12.00
Project and Service recording
+ CHF 12.00
Project resource planning
+ CHF 12.00
Project settlement
+ CHF 3.00
Project budget
+ CHF 3.00
Order and project planning
+ CHF 12.00
Cost centres
+ CHF 9.00
Expense management
+ CHF 4.00
Languages FR / EN / IT
+ CHF 4.00
Outlook Integration
+ CHF 2.00
Office365 Single Sign On
+ CHF 3.00
On demand

Support by telephone and e-mail are included in the fees.

Cost per hour
Training, setup system
CHF 190.00

Terminal (Evo 3.5)

Rent price

Cost per year & device

CHF 195.00

Purchase price

One time costs

CHF 940.00

Connection and support

Cost per year & device

CHF 265.00


One time costs

CHF 400.00

Other models on request